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NShield Database Security Option Pack

The nShield Database Security Option Pack allows nCipher hardware security modules (HSMs) to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Product Summary
  • Product Details
  • The nShield Database Security Option Pack allows nCipher hardware security modules (HSMs) to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft SQL Server.

  • The nShield Database Security Option Pack allows nCipher hardware security modules (HSMs) to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft SQL Server. Encrypting the data in your database protects the data, but the encryption keys that unlock the data must also be protected. The use of HSMs safeguards encryption keys by storing them separately from the data on a secure, trusted platform.

    More: than https://www.entrust.com/-/media/documentation/datasheets/entrust-nshield-database-security-option-pack-ds.pdf

Product Summary

The nShield Database Security Option Pack allows nCipher hardware security modules (HSMs) to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft SQL Server.

Product Details

The nShield Database Security Option Pack allows nCipher hardware security modules (HSMs) to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft SQL Server. Encrypting the data in your database protects the data, but the encryption keys that unlock the data must also be protected. The use of HSMs safeguards encryption keys by storing them separately from the data on a secure, trusted platform.

More: than https://www.entrust.com/-/media/documentation/datasheets/entrust-nshield-database-security-option-pack-ds.pdf