Stay ahead of industry disruption
Digital revolutions in the telecom and utilities sectors have led to growing demands for new and innovative technologies.
However, building these technologies such as energy-efficient smart grids, lighting-fast 5G, and connected vehicle services requires significant investment. The right data and insights are crucial in planning, building and managing your infrastructure. When the precise location of hardware can save time, money or lives - accurate location intelligence becomes critical.
Location technology from HERE helps you stay ahead of disruption and gain more functionality, flexibility and connectivity to your existing systems.
Apply our expertise in location-based analysis to build a cost-efficient 5G network or make your grid smarter. Streamline your maintenance workforce. Discover new ways to monetize your data and create products that stand out from the competition.
Turn disruption into an opportunity with the power of location.
Areas of expertise
Plan, transform and monetize your next-generation mobile networks;
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Boost operational and performance efficiency
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