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Multi-Cloud Data Security Solutions

Advanced Encryption Protects What Cloud Providers Don’t

It’s a multi-cloud world. Thales can help secure your cloud migration.

 Thales Shared Responsibility Diagram diagram The shared responsibility model is a well-accepted tool to help raise awareness that while cloud providers are responsible for the security of the cloud, cloud buyers are responsible for security of their data in the cloud1.

You’re almost certainly responsible for the security of data on your premises and in the cloud. As your workloads migrate to multiple cloud providers, are you confident in the security of your data? Are you in compliance with internal and industry data protection mandates? Is your data protected in the event of a subpoena issued to your cloud provider? Can you move data quickly from one cloud provider to the next? Thales cloud security solutions can help answer these multi-cloud security questions.

Public Cloud Solutions

Thales partners with industry-leading Infrastructure-, Platform- and Software-as-a Service (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) providers worldwide to support any multi-cloud strategy – public, private or hybrid. Cloud security solutions include:

-You can bring your own encryption to Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) compute instances, while keeping your encryption keys safely on premises.

-Vormetric Tokenization with Dynamic Data Masking makes it easy to protect sensitive data and to add policy-based data masking to applications and is available on the Microsoft Azure marketplace and available for AWS.

-Centralized key and data access policy management for Vormetric Transparent Encryption and the Tokenization Server is provided by the Vormetric Data Security Manager (DSM), available on the Azure marketplace and available for AWS.

-The CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager offers life cycle encryption key management with FIPS 140-2 secure key storage for a growing range of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS providers. Thales: your multi-cloud partner Thales helps you secure your digital transformation with multi-cloud advanced encryption and multi-cloud key management solutions that keep you in control of your data.

More than: https://cpl.thalesgroup.com/cloud-security/multi-cloud-security
